Application of Goleman’s Model and Salovey and Mayer concept of emotional intelligence to a social leader
How do you see the application of Goleman’s’ Model and Salovey and Mayer concept of emotional intelligence to a social leader
You take note of the boisterous group waving their tickets in the air off to the side. A blazing line of feeling rushes through your entire body at this very moment. You feel the need to slap your palms on the counter or yell at the people you think have wronged you as your heart starts to speed.
The five components of emotional intelligence in the social leadership are:
1. Self-awareness
Emotions affect your team.
For instance, a manager in a bad mood who lacks self-awareness will make poor decisions that are prejudiced.
A manager who is in a foul mood but has increased self-awareness recognizes and isolates negativity and returns their attention to the current task.
2. Self-regulation
Unresolved conflict is frequently present in emotionally charged situations. It is stressful and upsetting. You probably thought that you couldn’t contribute without risking criticism.
Being composed in the face of difficulty is neither a natural reaction or a quality you are born with.
The reasoning frontal cortex is more slower (and younger) than the emotional brain. When we need to defend ourselves, it triggers the fight-or-flight response in us, which can happen in innocent and upsetting circumstances. For instance, if a coworker questions your choice or if you’re in a meeting and the question is one you don’t know the answer to.
3. Motivation
In contrast to motivation for money or a promotion, Goleman’s third component speaks about motivation for enjoyment.
What drives people to enjoy themselves? You should:
Recognize the reasons behind your enthusiasm for your work.
Recognize your desire to lead.
Be positive in your outlook.
Even on a terrible day, you may look for the positive aspects, feel motivated to solve issues, and be determined to encourage those around you to achieve their next accomplishment.
It’s self-motivation. You’re doing it for you, to fulfill your personal goals and needs, to drive higher performance.
4. Empathy
You can examine issues from all angles and arrive at unbiased choices if you can relate to and comprehend other people’s feelings. Bias is reduced by empathy.
Being empathetic means you have good listening and interpreting skills, and you can read facial emotions and body language.
5. Social skills
This contributes to effective leadership and is crucial for promoting employee productivity and loyalty.
You can connect with your team if you have strong social skills like active listening, vocal communication, nonverbal communication, leadership, and persuasiveness.
Take a moment to imagine yourself in line to get tickets to watch your favorite band. You arrived four hours early as you were aware of the restricted number of tickets and the impending price increase. Unfortunately, everyone else did too. Blocks of the line have passed without any movement since you arrived. Rain begins to fall. You can see three people jump ahead of you to join their buddies who look to have been saving a position for them as you get closer to Will Call. You move slowly forward while keeping up with the others in line as they talk loudly on their telephones. The ticket agent informs you that the performance is sold out when you finally arrive at the desk.
Salovey and Mayer concept of emotional intelligence to a social leader
As a “subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own emotions and others’ emotions, to distinguish among them, and to utilize this information to guide one’s own thinking and behaviors,” Salovey and Mayer defined emotional intelligence.
To be more empathetic, and to drive higher engagement in the workplace, emotionally intelligent leaders should strive toward these 4 qualities:
Try to see the world as others see it.
Be non judgemental.
Work to understand another person’s feelings.
Communicate your understanding of that person’s feelings.
It aids in relationship development, academic and professional success, and the achievement of personal and professional objectives. Additionally, it can assist you in establishing a connection with your emotions, putting your intentions into practice, and choosing what is most important to you.
For instance, a general strategy would aim to minimize customer churn by encouraging them to adopt a new product from a competitor. This may need the development of a strategic plan that tackles both technical and emotional factors, such as customer perceptions of the organization and technical factors like product quality, cost, and distribution. The four-branch model of seeing, using, understanding, and managing emotions can be used to arrange carrying out the emotional parts of such a plan. For instance, polling client sentiment may be necessary to perceive emotions. Making sure one is in the appropriate frame of mind when handling delicate activities may include using emotions.